
Pages: 72 / photos: 62
Size: 232x207x13mm / hardcover
Price: 2,600JPY
Release Date: January 2012



    It has been 14 years since I have gone back and forth between my studio in Takitani, Shibata and my home in Niigata City. 14 years ago, I was working as a floral artist in Niigata City. In an effort to understand more about the natural state of the flowers I was working with, I moved my flower garden from the outskirts of Niigata City to the snowy Takitani village. In the beginning, I made day trips from Niigata, but the 50km one-way road trips impaired my field work progress. I then started looking for a vacant house where I could stay and work.
    A year later, I luckily found a 130 year old house that would help me in my endeavors. I reduced work in Niigata and continued to visit Takitani on a regular basis. However, I soon realized that by owning this house, I was spending more time in maintaining it and its yard than I had originally intended to. I then decided to fully relocate my studio to Takitani and to live there.

(Excerpts from the author's postscript)


Gallery TOSEI & TOSEI publishing Co.,Ltd  tel: +81 (03) 3-3380-7123 fax: +81 (03)3- 3380-7121