"Miniascape Window"

Pages: 64 / photos: 51
Size: 253×259×15mm / hardcover
Price: 3,000JPY
Release Date: October 2012



Quiet gardens,
The secret permanence

At the corner of my eye,
Opening and closing, a Pandora’s Box

Quiet gardens,
The hidden experience

At the dreamy window,
Looking and hiding, an old key of reality

Quiet gardens,
The secret Edens

Broken and cured, the faraway permanence

Slumber is drifting,
In a Miniascape of the dawn


(Excerpts from the author's foreword)


Gallery TOSEI & TOSEI publishing Co.,Ltd  tel: +81 (03) 3-3380-7123 fax: +81 (03)3- 3380-7121